Company Formations & Limited Companies
If you are thinking about forming a "Limited" company, it is important to seek professional accountancy advice. Younis Accountancy Solutions Ltd will provide reliable and constructive support to clients considering the formation of a new “Limited” company.
Bookkeeping & Company Accounts
We can provide a full bookkeeping service to maintain your accounting records. Our service will ensure that all statutory requirements are met, whilst ensuring the service is exactly what your company needs. Every UK company is required by law to maintain accounting records. We can help with either or both of these requirements.
​Self Employed & Personal Tax Returns
Individuals who are liable for taxation on income, gains or profits, may be required to submit an annual personal tax return. We take the worry out of this process for you by completing your tax return for you, preparing the necessary accounts and computations which will result in a review meeting, where any questions you may have will be answered.
CIS Returns & VAT Returns
If you are registered under the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) and use contractors in the day to day running of your business, you are required to make monthly returns to the Inland Revenue. We currently can submit these returns monthly for clients who prefer not to have the worry of managing this responsibility themselves. If you are VAT registered, we will also complete your VAT Returns for you.
We can provide a full, comprehensive service for those clients who do not wish to manage payroll in-house. We will calculate employee wages for you, either on a weekly or monthly basis, provide payslips and a summary of the payroll run for your records.
Business Tax
Under Corporation Tax Self-Assessment (CTSA), the legal responsibility for correctly calculating the corporation tax liability falls on business owners. We understand the issues facing owner-managed businesses and can prepare tax returns in a timely and efficient manner. We will also calculate your company's tax liability and assist with the calculation of any quarterly instalment payments.